• Datura Performs 'Metel'

about DATURA

DATURA is a media ensemble dedicated to using both digital and analog environments and processes to create improvisational, transdisciplinary performances.
Formed in 2013 by John D. Mitchell, Tony Obr, and Joe Willie Smith, DATURA seeks to develop a multidisciplinary approach to improvisational performance, while at the same time explore the boundaries and connections existing in the current use of digital, analog and physical processes during the creation of live performances.

John D. Mitchell

Ian MItchell

Steve Rosales

Pan Houyu

Current performers also include:
Chang Fan, Ma Ying, Bret Haglin

Past performers include:
Julie Akerly, Alyssa Calvano, Jemima Choong, Angel Chrisman, Josh Bennet, Jordan Daniels, Tanya Dimitrov, Jamey Garner, Eleanor Hannafin, Shelby Keefe, Fumihiro Kikuchi, Zijia Kong, Qinzie Li, Yingzi Liang, Sharon McCamon, Sandra Schoenewald, Holly Smith, Chris Todd, Caroline Williams, Rebecca Witt, Fen Wu, Chris Ziegler, Ziqian Zhou

Stramonium 2014